
Long time ago my college partners and I worked on this 
awesome project creating a logo and campaign for COESIDA
a state non-profit, independent health organization. 

My role was to create a simple, funny logo that teenagers 
in the Metro Area of Guadalajara could feel related to. 

The campaign was created to prevent violence among 
teenagers ages 13-20. Quite sadly, it was never launched 
as the Health State department neglected to give 
us the budget nor recognition for our hard work, so finally 
COESIDA wasn't able to launch this campaign.

We openly spoke about the rising gay community and 
the fact that women also violent men- on a personal note 
I believe these exhibited facts were probably too hard to 
digest for The Health State department back in 2012. 

Anyway it was such a privilege to work with COESIDA
and to fully experience a social/visual campaign from head-to-toe.
Above: basic campaign icon
Campaign planning board, with full logo on the center. 
Guys suffer violence too poster
Heterosexual traditional poster, for bus stops.
Psychological violence poster
And the winner-award poster, including digital violence 
and the uprising gay community in Guadalajara. 
All of our models were real.

Thanks much to Claudia Lara, Karen Ixchel 
and Karla G. who worked together in all possible levels.
Hablemos de Amor

Hablemos de Amor
